The Nickley Group

Should You Wait to List Your Home?

Clients always ask our agents, “should I wait to list my home until I find my dream home?” Every situation is different, but we believe in and advise our clients to list first, and here are three reasons why.


Peace of Mind

Listing your home before buying can help make this complex process feel smoother for you as a buyer. The expenses when it comes to buying a home, you don’t want to get sticker shock and wonder if the sale of your current home will be enough to support this purchase. Some pricy expenses include, down payments, closing costs, inspections, agreeing to pay over appraisal (if needed), and bridge appraisal gaps, to name a few. Going into your next home knowing exactly how much you will make on your current home will help make this a more effortless transaction for you.

You’re in Charge When You List Your Home.

In this market, you make the decisions on your home. More likely than not, your home will receive multiple offers when you list it. Getting multiple offers on your home puts you as the seller in command. It allows you to get higher and betters offers for your home that otherwise you would not get. You can also negotiate with the buyer to have a rent-back. In a rent-back situation, you will stay in the house past the closing date. This is extremely helpful when you are still negotiating your future living situation.

You can do a Home to Sell Contingency.

This reason might be one of the most important reasons to list your home before buying your next. When you list your house before finding your dream home, you’ll be able to ask for a home to sell contingency. In this market, a lot of sellers are apprehensive about accepting home to sell contingency, but when the buyer can say:

The seller will have the comfort they need with the home to sell contingency.

For those looking for a particular home or in a specific neighborhood, listing your home first may not be an option. Luckily, The Nickley Group has a great program called the ‘Buy Before You Sell Program.’ Check out Alexis’ previous video that details this fantastic opportunity.

If you are looking to make a move, one of our experienced agents would love to help you. Give us a call at (407) 906-2456.

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