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Core Values – Docuseries Ep. 4

We stress how important our values are to every person on our team. We strongly believe in our core values; you can see it in everything we live, teach, and celebrate based on these values. It’s in our DNA; it’s what makes us special.

TNG’s Core Values

Attitude is Everything – A Positive Attitude is Not an Option

Everything we do stems from this belief. We focus on the positive in every situation. Tom Nickley, the owner of TNG, doesn’t allow negativity to fill his office. No matter the situation, having a positive mindset and keeping your foot on the pedal can make all the difference in your business. Tom doesn’t reprimand his team when something goes wrong; he helps look for the best in each situation and find a positive outcome.

Have Fun, Enjoy the Ride, and Be Passionate

Our office is where our team can gather in a safe, fun, and passionate environment. It was important to Tom to create an environment that encourages growth and excitement when building this team. Our team actually likes to spend time together on weekends. Is it too cheesy to say we’re a family? In a career that can be very stressful, it’s essential to be surrounded by people that you enjoy. 

Create a World Class Experience Through Teamwork

We have a whole team of people to back our agents to give the best experience for our clients. The leadership team is there to advise our agents throughout the process. This leadership team has seen it all in the industry. Our transaction coordinators are there to ensure everything runs smoothly once under contract. And finally, our Chief Happiness Officer & marketing team creates events and contests for our past clients and keeps them updated on all things TNG. 

Learn Like You Will Live Forever – We are Always Upgrading Our Skills

When working with TNG, it’s essential to be highly coachable and willing to learn from others. Our team is structured to help our agents be the best that they can be. Our leadership team hosts weekly mastermind meetings with our agents to keep everyone updated on the current market. Everyone on our team has room to grow; one of our favorite sayings is, “When you’re green, you’ll grow. When you’re ripe, you’ll rot”.  We are always looking for ways to grow and build a better team.

Persist Without Exception – We Are a Team of Action – We Never Give Up

This core value has never rung more true than in 2020 and 2021. The world saw a tremendous loss, and it was hard to see the other side for a long time; in fact, we are still looking for it. But at TNG, we never give up. We were able to help 700 families’ real estate dreams come true during the hardest year many of us had to face. No matter the difficulty, we are persistent in finding every possible solution.

Take Responsibility for Your Choices – Be Accountable, Never a Victim

When something does go wrong, our team takes responsibility so we can quickly find the solution. Blaming another person doesn’t help a situation; taking action to correct the wrongdoing is the only way forward. We have found this is the best way to remain professional and give our clients the best experience. 

Be Coachable & Hungry to Implement – Think Solutions, Not Problems

We have a team full of experienced agents who have been in the industry for many years. Our team has seen a lot and can give excellent information on various scenarios. We stress the importance of trusting the other agents on the team to help solve problems and give advice. If you are coachable, there is no reason not to succeed when working with The Nickley Group.


Final Thoughts on TNG’s Core Values

We have these values as a way to keep our team honest, united and motivated. At The Nickley Group, we always preach our core values. There are tough deals, tough markets, and occasionally some tough clients, but our agents can look to our values and find a way to make it through every situation.

We dont crumble when times get tough, we’re a team of action. We’re presistant, we don’t give up, we keep moving forward, we stay positive, we enjoy the ride, and we’re passionate about what we are doing.

Do your values align with TNG’s and want to join our team? Give us a call today at 407-906-2456. We are always hiring new agents, showing assistants, and salary positions. Want more information about our culture and team? Check out episode 1, episode 2, and episode 3 here.