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Our Guarantees
Cash Offer Guarantee

Sell fast without settling for less cash

With a TNG offer, you sell and cash out quickly - and keep the upside when your home sells on the market instead of giving it away.

  • Get a cash offer in 24 hours

  • Don’t sell for a discount

  • Avoid the hassles of a market sale

How it works

  • Sell your house and make your move.

  • Receive a cash offer on your home for 89% of its market value within 24 hours. Close and receive your proceeds in weeks.

  • Relax while your agent lists your home.

  • Your agent will immediately put your home on the market and get a top dollar offer.

  • Get your upside from the sale.

  • Unliked investors, we pass on the remaining proceeds to you as soon as the home is sold.

Easy Exit Guarantee

Don't Get Stuck!

Our plan takes the risk and the fear out of listing your home with a Real Estate agent. How? Because we clearly spell out our promise to you–it’s simple!

We guarantee you the right to cancel your Listing Agreement at any time prior to receiving an offer to purchase your home, with no penalties or obligations, if you feel our service doesn’t live up to our promise.

How Can We Be so Confident and Offer This Easy Exit Guarantee?

It is simple…There is a HUGE difference between the Satisfaction of the average seller, working with an average agent, and the clients of The Nickley Group. In our most recent survey, we had a three times higher “Extremely Satisfied” rate, than sellers that did not work with our team!

Buy Before You Sell

Make a cash offer and win the home you want

Don’t lose out on your dream home – TNG offer gives you the cash to provide seller certainty and the leverage to name your terms.

Close with the strongest offer in any market

  • 1. Get approved Get the green light to make a TNG offer with a quick and easy approval process.

  • 2. Win the home you want Win over sellers with a TNG cash offer. You get to move and settle into your new home immediately after closing.

  • 3. Close on your terms Close on the property directly with traditional financing or let TNG buy with cash on your behalf, and sell it back to you for the same price when you’re ready.

Sneaky fees?

Not with TNG

Buy before you sell for as little as 1.9% due at closing, and roll it into your mortgage so you don’t have to pay out of pocket.

Home Buyer Protection Guarantee

The Nickley Group Home Buyer Protection Guarantee

At The Nickley Group, we understand that buying a home is a big decision — one you have to live with! That's why we're committed to helping you find a home you'll love for years to come. Our experienced team and innovative programs make it easy to pinpoint exactly what you're looking for, helping you beat out other buyers for the best new listings.
We go the extra mile even after you've moved in. If you find you're not completely happy with your home during the first year, we'll make it right with our unique Home Buyer Protection Guarantee.

Here's how it works:

1. Guaranteed Sale or Buyback: If you're unhappy with your home purchase within the first year, we'll guarantee to sell your current home before you buy your next one. If needed, we'll buy it back for our upfront, guaranteed price — no gimmicks, no false promises.

2. Highest Offer Benefit: If you receive a higher offer from an outside buyer, you get the higher offer, not us.

With our team of dedicated professionals, you can purchase your next home confidently, knowing your investment is protected. If you're not satisfied within the first year, we'll buy it back. That's our guarantee to you!

Contact The Nickley Group

To inquire about a property or press event, please fill out the form below.